
Jindal Africa recognises education as one of the building blocks of any nation and considers it a major priority in line with the continents millennium goals.

Our organisation aims to nurture young minds and educate the youth so that they can contribute to the continent’s development.This is being done through bursary schemes aimed at benefiting young junior degree students who are pursuing various studies within the mining and engineering profession, and also offering a multitude of internship programmes which are aimed at offering on-the-job training to graduates in the mining industry.

Moreover, Jindal Africa has taken up initiatives to improve school building infrastructure by specifically contributing towards improved schools in the Kiepersol Colliery area, building classrooms at Inkululeko Primary School, Emathalaza School and Injabulo Combined School, in order to alleviate over crowding. Our holistic approach also dictates that we look at other social investment initiatives such as the donation of teaching materials and school shoes, as we understand that the ultimate goal is to improve the complete learning experience of schoolchildren in the communities.

Real liberty begins when people are able to read and write, facilitating communication and opening up opportunities that were previously inaccessible. This goes a long way in lending a hand-up, rather than giving a hand-out.

Our education initiatives have also extended to infrastructure development in Mozambique, where Jindal Africa has renovated the Chirodzhi School building, and also donated books and equipment to other surrounding schools in the area. However, it is also true that education is not limited to young people, a view that is even more important on the African continent which is plagued by various social inequalities such as the high occurrence of adult illiteracy. Therefore, in order to address these issues, Jindal Africa helps adults at its Kiepersol communities in literacy programmes that benefits not only its unskilled workforce, but also extend the opportunity to others in the local community.

Early Childhood Development Centre (ECD) Drive

In tribute of Op Jindal, the team of kiepersol colliery visited ECD centres in the community of Ematafuleni & KwaNgema to provide education and nutritional support—through mid-day meals—to over 100 children from the communities surrounding the mine. The centres provide non-formal education to more than 100 children from one to five years of age, preparing them mentally and physically for formal education that is mainstreamed in the primary school foundation.