
Jindal Africa is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of the communities with which we are involved.We continue to actively develop infrastructure and services in communities where access to professional healthcare facilities is limited.

Working together in partnership with local government, we assist in helping them fulfill their constitutional mandate to the people.
Jindal Africa’s Mozambican operation has made significant contributions to local healthcare facilities in the form of an ambulance to the Tete provincial authorities, to help improve their response to medical emergencies. The organisation has also constructed a clinic on its mining site that is open to community members, and has distributed much-needed supplies to local clinics and healthcare centres.

A doctor standing in front of a group of people.

The healthcare centres are not only about assisting those who are sick, but also tasked with providing much needed preventative health measures such as sex education, nutritional information, malaria, counselling faculties and HIV/AIDS testing.

In South Africa, activities include the donation of medical equipment to the Huis Immegroen old-age home in Piet Retief, to help it provide better healthcare to the elderly. Moreover, the organisation continues to provide freshwater supplies in the form of boreholes to communities in and around the area. Freshwater ensures that water borne diseases are curbed before they cause extensive yet preventable health problems in the communities.